AetherX Charged Eye Spray

Regular price $18.00 Sale price$9.90 Save $8.10
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  • Contains Source Center Vibration, Scalar and Specific Color Vibrational Frequencies that aid in the repair and rejuvenation of the eyes, optic nerve and areas of the brain.
  • Vibrational frequencies included are amplified to 1000% capacity making the filtered water within the spray bottle highly potent and beneficial for rejuvenating the eyes.
  • Recommended use would be multiple times per day (approx. 3-5 time daily).
  • Simply spray a single time in each eye.
  • No activation or amplification required.

Gwen's Experience with us

"My first experience with the Aether Bed Trial Symbol was a few days ago. I put one symbol inside my pillow case and used one on my stomach. As I laid on my bed I relaxed and tuned in to the energies. It felt like 5th and 6th dimensional energies all around me and I noticed I was smiling. I can't wait to experience the complete Aether Bed with these symbols all throughout. This was a great sample. Thank you Brad."


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