Free Samples
The samples below are free images and cards which can be downloaded and utilized for personal use only.
To use the free samples, click on the images below and you can download it in PDF format. Place the free sample cards on your phone, tablet or computer and stare at the card for a total of 60 seconds. You can also print out the card and use it. For free sample cards, It's recommended that you use photo paper (4"x6") recommended, and place the card anywhere on your body, or charge your water with it. Apply the 60 second rule, and if drinking water, take light sips. If placing on your body, 60 seconds is the minimum requirement but you can leave it on for longer if you can handle the card's intensity. You can also use the new "Capture method" with these cards using your photo or the photo of another placed upon the image of the card. You can find out more about the Capture method on our Tutorials page.
All images ©AetherX Inc.
This geometry contains the captured vibrational frequency of Bosnia's Ancient Pyramid of the Sun: The oldest and largest pyramid found on Earth! During a trip to Bosnia, Brad Johnson, creator of AetherX, was able to capture the vibrational frequency of the Ancient Pyramid and placed this geometry in the center of its structure astrally. What you will feel from the geometry energetically is the captured vibration of the Pyramid Scalar Energy amplified to 300% capacity. This energy is ideal to helping heal organs and increase natural vitality as you place a print-out on any area of the body. Download the PDF file below and begin feeling its powerful healing effects!

(Download via Google Drive)
Use these free geometrical images to absorb subtle energy into specific areas of your body. It is recommended to purchase sticker template sheets and print concentrators on the sheet. Stick the concentrator on any area of your body (clothes or bare skin) where you want subtle energy to enter. This can be utilized with ANY AetherX product for added benefit.
Download this free PDF that aids in the rebuilding and rejuvenation of the inner ear, temporal lobe, brain hemispheres and cerebral spinal fluid! No activation required.
Our newest sample contains AetherX Transcendental Codes that amplify, strengthen, rejuvenate and balance your Solar Plexus center. The Solar Plexus is the reserve bank of the body and hosts an excess of living prana. The ancients refer to the Solar Plexus as the ocean of life energy. It is this very center that is used to rejuvenate your entire body through the Prana Bed Kit and through AetherX Apparel and Accessories.

Aether Bed Trial Symbol & Nonverbal Symbol
(Download Trial Symbol PDF)
(Download Nonverbal Symbol )
This image can be printed on 8.5"x11" printer paper and contains all the transcendental AetherX codes of the Aether Bed in "Healing Mode." The PDF download contains two pages: the trial image and instructions on how to use the trial image. The Blue Trial Symbol requires an affirmation to activate the trial symbol, whereas the Green Nonverbal Symbol can be used immediately without affirmation activation. Healing mode of the Aether Bed provides the following benefits:
- Detoxification and rejuvenation of the body’s major organs, glands and bodily systems.
- Cleansing and rejuvenation of your chakra centers, nadi channels (energetic nervous system) and acupuncture meridians.
- Elimination of any pain, soreness, ache, stiffness, inflammation, burning sensations within the body.
- Gradual transformation of the physical body on a cellular level to encourage youthful appearance of the physical body.
The Free Trial and Nonverbal Symbols do not contain contain the Sleep mode or amplification functions of the Aether Bed Kit.

Light Enhancer
(Download PDF)
The Light Enhancer card uses healing codes to place Spirit light vitality into the cells of your body. To use this card, download the PDF and place the card image upon your phone or tablet. Rest your device against a pure glass of water and let the Light Enhancer's codes charge your water. Let it lean upon your glass for 60 seconds and remove it. Take light sips of your water, drinking it gradually.

Metabolism Enhancer
(Download PDF)
The Metabolism Enhancer card using Healing Codes to purify and enhance your body's metabolic system. To use this card, download the PDF and place the card image upon your phone or tablet. Stare into the card for 60 seconds and/or lean your device against a glass of water for 60 seconds and then remove it. Take light sips of your water, drinking it gradually.

Radiation Eliminator
(Download PDF)
The Radiation Eliminator card works to eliminate and purge all forms of radiation including Alpha, Beta, Gamma, electromagnetic, radio, atomic/nuclear, harmful ultraviolet, radionuclides and radioactive elements completely from the body.
To use this card, download the PDF and place the card image upon your phone or tablet. Stare into the card for 60 seconds and/or lean your device against a glass of water for 60 seconds and then remove it. Take light sips of your water, drinking it gradually.

3rd Eye Enhancer
(Download PDF)
The 3rd Eye Enhancer card uses Healing Codes to enhance the 3rd eye chakra through the pineal gland removing calcification, toxins as well as re-aligning the gland. It also increases blood flow to the pineal gland increasing inner sight capability. To use this card, download the PDF and place the card image upon your phone or tablet. Stare into the card for 60 seconds and/or lean your device against a glass of water for 60 seconds and then remove it. Take light sips of your water, drinking it gradually.

Immune Enhancer
(Download PDF)
The Immune Enhancer card uses Healing Codes to boost and revitalize your body's immune system. To use this card, download the PDF and place the card image upon your phone or tablet. Stare into the card for 60 seconds and/or lean your device against a glass of water for 60 seconds and then remove it. Take light sips of your water, drinking it gradually.

Bio-Toxin Eliminator
(Download PDF)
Featured in the Body deck: The Bio-Toxin Eliminator card works to eliminate and purge all forms of toxic chemicals from antibiotics, artificial ingredients and certain ingredients that have been injected into the body overtime.
To use this card, download the PDF and place the card image upon your phone or tablet. Stare into the card for 60 seconds and/or lean your device against a glass of water for 60 seconds and then remove it. Take light sips of your water, drinking it gradually.

Chemtrail Eliminator
(Download PDF)
The Chemtrail Eliminator card uses Healing Codes to dissolve all ingredients from chemtrails upon the sky. To use this card, download the PDF look upon it and when you see a chemtrail on the sky, hover your hand over the card and state: "I command Spirit's healing codes to eliminate the chemtrail upon the sky. Let it be done!" As you do this, the codes will apply upon the chemtrail stripping it of all its dangerous chemicals, toxins, nanoparticles and other debris..

Subliminal Purifier
(Download PDF)
The Subliminal Purifier card This card works to neutralize subliminal programming and unscramble influencing frequencies of suggestion on the brain through electromagnetic, psionic and astral technology.
To use this card, download the PDF and place the card image upon your phone or tablet. Stare into the card for 60 seconds and/or lean your device against a glass of water for 60 seconds and then remove it. Take light sips of your water, drinking it gradually.

Vitality Enhancer
(Download PDF)
The Vitality Enhancer card helps to rejuvenate your vital body clearing away any harsh obstructions and hardened Qi blockages through your meridian system as well as vanquishing surface-based negative thought forms. It also strengthens your current state of vitality increasing body and aura integrity.
To use this card, download the PDF and place the card image upon your phone or tablet. Stare into the card for 60 seconds and/or lean your device against a glass of water for 60 seconds and then remove it. Take light sips of your water, drinking it gradually.