AetherX Attunement Ankh
AetherX Attunement Ankh
AetherX Attunement Ankh
AetherX Attunement Ankh

AetherX Attunement Ankh

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Regular price $88.00 Sale price$52.80 Save $35.20
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  • Our own uniquely designed Attunement Ankh can be used for healing, charging of objects and amplification.
  • The Attunement Ankh includes ground quartz crystal inside its base so that the radiant fields of vibrational frequency expands at a great distance. On average, approximately 100 feet.
  • You can manually amplify the Ankh by running your finger slowly across the outer rim of the circular ring of the Ankh from left to right. Midpoint of the ring will enable a 10000% amplification, and at the end of the right side of the ring, the Anhk amplification will increase by 20,000%! Our most powerful amplification product to date next to the Manifestation Wheel!
  • Our Attunement Ankh contains the frequencies of Source Center Vibration, Scalar, Earth Energy, and the 15-color healing vibrational frequencies that works on organs, glands, bodily systems, chakras and energy bodies. It outshines any other Ankh online as it offers a wide variety of natural vibrations assembled in a single tool!
  • Ankh includes ground quartz crystal within its base and a screw-on base cap.
  • Ankh is available in both Nebula and Blue Metal styles. (Blue metal is not metal, only metal appearance)
  • View our PDF instructions to find the variety of uses for our Attunement Ankh.

Gwen's Experience with us

"My first experience with the Aether Bed Trial Symbol was a few days ago. I put one symbol inside my pillow case and used one on my stomach. As I laid on my bed I relaxed and tuned in to the energies. It felt like 5th and 6th dimensional energies all around me and I noticed I was smiling. I can't wait to experience the complete Aether Bed with these symbols all throughout. This was a great sample. Thank you Brad."


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